on November 2, 2008

Placement week for FP is going start soon and there are some questions needs to be answered .

1. What are generally the main sections in the written exams for FP ?

The main parts are

Aptitude questions and puzzles (mostly easy ones)
C questions
DS , OS , Algo
Sometimes Networks , Database and other subjects

2. What's the level of the following in FP :

Puzzles :

Depends on the company , Some companies like Amazon , Adobe , Yahoo , Microsoft asks good and little tough questions .

Other companies may ask puzzles which they think are very good and tough , but most of the time its crap and done by people like us .

C :

Good quality questions , above average , better to know each aspect so that you can answer most of the questions .


Questions are of 10+ level , Some practice and revision before the FP will definitely help . But the most important is the speed you do it .

OOPS concepts(will anybody ask for design patterns or they will ask only core language concepts)

hmm... There is less chance anybody will ask DP , but better if you include it while answering , it would definitely make some impact .

OS (is galvin sufficient for FP)

OS is very important , Basic knowledge is sufficient , Deep knowledge is a plus always .

Btw , What is Galvin ? !!!

3. How I should prepare to talk about Internship since I didn't get to code much in my company and didn't get to work on the core part of the product . What to do if the interviewer gets into to much details of my Internship.

Most of the time it would not happen , while FP , just tell them sincerely what you did , If you did your job well as it was expected from you , its good enough , No one expects you to be great coder before they hire you , They will judge you very well from there interview if you can be a good employee for them or not .

Don't try to makeup things , just be sincere and tell exactly what you did .

4. I am thinking not to prepare for DBMS and n/w at all.

If you plan to do this , then be ready to be unable to answer the questions in these fields , If there is a network or Database company then you are not preparing for them , which may be ok , if you are not into N/w or Database much and don't plan to go in that field .

5. Any special tips/papers for any Company

Amazon : Be good with everything , good in Algorithms and Puzzles .

Trilogy (Versata) : Flawless coding , Algorithms . CPA wont help much .

Symantic : Don't worry , answer crap with confidence , they will take you.

Sybase : Be good with Unix , good CPA will help .

Fair Issac : Be good in Maths and logic , good analytical Skills


Anonymous said...

Symantic : Don't worry , answer crap with confidence , they will take you. ..... hahahaha .. this totally cracked me up

Anonymous said...

You said that for Versata, CPA wont matter but I heard that a candidate having highest CPA will be selected though he/she perform worst (means by giving non- efficient soln ) in that test( interview/apti).
So for Versata, I think CPA matter

Manish Chauhan said...

@ Anonymous

Thats totally untrue , not only for Versata but for any company ...

From whom did you hear that ? People talk illogical things , its our job to not hear it ...

You contact anyone in Versata and inquire about this . You will get amazing answers , i will try to ask someone from Versata to put a comment on this ..

Note : Please write your name , so that we know who is the anonymous person .

Anusha Vishwanath said...

I wouldn't say CPA does not matter at all at Versata, but that doesn't mean that it matters enough to pick the candidate with highest CPA, or disregard a candidate with low CPA, irrespective of their performance in the test and interview.

Given the change in the company's strategy, recruiters will be looking for good design skills and excellent communication and/or organization skills, in addition to technical expertise. Problem solving and data structures will be the main focus for entry level candidates. Some interviewers do ask puzzles, but not all. Language specific questions are generally avoided. You should be able to code well, mistakes are not considered the end of the world if you can pick up hints, identity and fix mistakes in your code/approach.

Focus on IT experience will be only as much as you have highlighted it in your resume. If you think you've done good work, you can confidently speak about it in your resume.

Manish Chauhan said...

Thanks to Anusha for her comments .

- manish

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